Hunter Biden Visits Attorney’s Luxurious Malibu Home: New Expose Sheds Light on Their Relationship Hunter Biden, the troubled son of President Joe Biden, was recently spotted at the lavish residence of his lawyer, Kevin Morris, in Malibu, California. Exclusive photographs obtained by The Post capture the meeting, where Hunter, assisted by Secret Service agents, made efforts to avoid the attention of press photographers while wearing a camo hat and denim shirt.

Kevin Morris, a highly respected 60-year-old Hollywood-based lawyer and well-known supporter of the Democratic Party, has been rumored to have a close relationship with Hunter, serving as his “sugar brother” and fixer. Reports indicate that Morris provided a $2 million loan to Hunter last year to help resolve his outstanding federal tax issues, and has even allowed him to use his private jet for court appearances.

During their three-hour meeting, Hunter and Morris presumably discussed legal matters. Morris has been an enigmatic yet significant presence in Hunter’s life ever since they first met at a Biden fundraiser in December 2019. Notably, Morris accompanied Hunter to federal court in Delaware last month, where Hunter pleaded not guilty to tax and gun charges after a failed plea bargain attempt.

In a previous incident, Morris was caught on camera smoking a bong on his balcony while Hunter, who has conquered his drug addiction and is now leading a sober life, dropped by before a court appearance. Additionally, Morris is among the buyers of Hunter’s emerging artworks.

New Expose: Inside Hunter Biden’s Visits to Attorney’s Extravagant Malibu Home

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