Title: Devastating Wildfires in Hawaii Claim Lives amidst Hurricane Dora’s Influence

At least 36 people have tragically lost their lives in Hawaii due to wildfires that have ravaged the islands. These deadly fires have been intensified by the combination of Hurricane Dora’s distant impact and a strong ridge of high pressure in the northern region of the islands. The flames have spread rapidly, fueled by gusty winds exceeding 70 mph, resulting in extensive destruction, evacuations, and disruptions.

Areas like Maui and the Big Island have been particularly affected, prompting the issuance of an emergency proclamation by Lt. Gov. Sylvia Luke. This proclamation extends the state of emergency to all counties and advises against non-essential air travel to Maui. To assist those displaced by the fires, the Hawaii Department of Transportation has provided shelter for displaced travelers, and both the National Guard and U.S. Coast Guard have been mobilized for rescue and evacuation operations.

Investigations are still ongoing to determine the exact cause of the wildfires, with downed power lines and dry brush being potential factors. Efforts are underway to combat the fires and minimize their impact, with officials emphasizing the utmost priority of ensuring the safety and well-being of affected residents.

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