In the aftermath of the tragic University of Idaho murders, Stacy Chapin, mother of Ethan Chapin, one of the victims, has announced that her family will not be attending the trial of the accused, Bryan Kohberger. Instead, they have chosen to concentrate on honoring Ethan’s memory and finding healing for themselves.
Ethan Chapin, a young man of only 20 years, was known for his warmth and inclusiveness. To honor his legacy, the Chapin family has established “Ethan’s Smile”, a foundation that provides scholarships to students at the University of Idaho. In addition, Stacy Chapin has written a touching children’s book called “The Boy Who Wore Blue” as a tribute to her son.
During an appearance on NBC’s “Today” show, Chapin explained that the outcome of the trial would not change the pain of their loss. Instead, the family will focus on rebuilding their relationships and finding peace within themselves.
Ethan Chapin was loved by many, and his impact on those he encountered was profound. Stacy Chapin recalls her son as a happy and generous person, traits he displayed from a young age. As a lasting symbol of his love, she proudly displayed a tattoo on her left arm that bore the words “I love you Mom” in Ethan’s own handwriting.
The murders of Ethan Chapin, his girlfriend Xana Kernodle, and their housemates Madison Mogen and Kaylee Goncalves were a devastating and unimaginable tragedy. The accused killer, Bryan Kohberger, is a doctoral student at Washington State University studying criminology.
When asked about where the family found their strength in the face of such profound loss, Stacy Chapin pointed to their dedication to providing the best life possible for Ethan’s triplet siblings, Hunter and Maizie, who are continuing their studies at the University of Idaho. The family’s commitment to honoring Ethan’s memory and supporting each other showcases their resilience in the face of heartbreak.
While the Chapin family has opted not to participate in the trial, the legal proceedings will continue. Bryan Kohberger, who is being held without bail, has chosen to remain silent, resulting in the judge entering not-guilty pleas on his behalf.