Connecticut – Heidi Voight, a beloved anchor for NBC Connecticut, stunned her viewers by revealing a devastating secret that has kept her off the air for several months. In February, Voight’s mother, Claudia M. Voight, passed away under what originally seemed to be from a medical event. However, further investigations from the Chief Medical Examiner’s Office exposed a shocking truth. Claudia’s death was actually a result of neck compression, classified as a homicide.
Initially, the Vermont State Police did not disclose this information to the public due to the sensitivity of the case. This prevented Heidi Voight from sharing the truth until she finally opened up about it on Monday. In an emotional post on Instagram, Voight expressed her pain and anguish, revealing that her mother had been violently murdered in her own home in Windham, Vermont – a place where she should have felt safe.
Thankfully, the Vermont State Police have determined that the investigation has progressed to a point where they can release information without compromising the case. While Claudia Voight’s murder appears to be targeted, there is currently no identified threat to the community. Multiple units, including the Major Crime Unit, Bureau of Criminal Investigations, and Victim Services Unit, are actively involved in the ongoing investigation.
As an award-winning anchor and former Miss Connecticut, Heidi Voight co-anchors “NBC Connecticut Today” and has received full support from the network. They understand that she needs as much time as necessary before returning to work. The revelation of Claudia’s tragic death has deeply affected Voight’s viewers, colleagues, and community, who have extended their sympathies and concerns to her and her family during this difficult time.